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Understanding The Punk Movement of the 70s
What happened when the world was ready to move on from the “give peace a chance” narrative?

When Life is a Roller Coaster but I have Motion Sickness
The “roller coaster” of life had taken all of us running wildly, and none of us knew where we were heading to.

Tan France, More Than Just a Style Expert
You are what you eat? No. You are what you wear.

How to Break Up with your Toxic Best Friend
Focusing on yourself instead of others isn’t being rude, it’s self-care.

All The Possible Ways It Ends
I can see in so many other universes, the year could have been so much better, or so much worse. While I can not tell where the future leads in my own universe, I accept the lessons it taught me and appreciate the person it made me become.

A Year Later and I’m Still Disappointed with Avengers: Endgame
As a dedicated Marvel fan, I feel the franchise deserved a better ending than Avengers: Endgame.

Yes, It is Illegal, But It is Art
Is it possible to appreciate graffiti art without taking away its authenticity?

What happens when you give a gun to a kid?
Are we more free when we’re an adult or when we’re a child?

Coco Crisp’s Last Game
If you love someone, let them go. If you love something, why the heck would you ever let it go?

Authenticity, A Marketing Conspiracy?
Hey there consumer, call me paranoid, but I think authenticity is a trap.

Artist Spotlight: From Tech to Painting; A Decolonization of Art
Catherine had found meaning through painting and she decided to redirect herself to pursue what she was always interested in. Through arts, she was able to reconnect with her culture and heritage, which were reflected through her spiritual painting.

Addictions: A Conversation with My Ex
Substance use was one of the big reasons that we broke up. Now it’s the time for a conversation.

The Digital Age and The Citizen Lab
They’re our digital guardian angels, but do we really know who they are?

Black Lives Matter: Why is it Still a Debate?
In 2020, should such debates still exist? Are points made by the opposing side even valid? Is there hope for change?

The Limitless Restrictions of Poetry
The era of Instagram poetry begs the question of whether the art form is losing its complexity.

Are Liberals Becoming more Illiberal?
Are we causing more harm in the process of spreading awareness for what we think is right?

The Most Vulnerable Primate
Why chimpanzees would probably be better at adapting to covid-19 than me.

Re-Thinking Feminism in 2020
To the chronic mansplainers in my life, this one's for you.

Delving into the Unknown of the Archive: A White-Washing of History
What happens when residential schools become the unknown? As the Alberta government proposes to remove any mention of residential schools from primary curriculum, they are implicitly advocating for the erasure of Indigeneity from the archive.

Ringette an Unknown Sport, Void of Colour: exploring Racism in sport in Canada
Being the only racialized player on a sports team is as overwhelming as watching Biden and Trump’s first debate. But hey, we do it anyway.

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